Today's topic: A picture of your most treasured item.
My most treasured item? I have no clue.
It's like that question...'If your house was burning down and you could only grab one thing to save, what would it be?' Well, I honestly don't know.
I really think most of the things that I have I could do without. No, I might not be able to buy my favorite pair of jeans I bought last summer ever again, but I'll live. But most of the things I have are replaceable.
One of the only things I can really think of that I have here with me away at school would be pictures. I have the majority of them saved on a removable hard drive, and the rest on my laptop. So, as of right now I think that would be my most treasured item[s]. I have literally thousands of pictures and memories between the two places, and those would be something I would never be able to replace.
pictures are fabulous :) xo