Sunday, March 6, 2011

Catch Up.

Today I'm playing catch up...

I missed out on yesterday's post in the 30 day blog challenge, so I'm doing double-duty in this post!

Day 5: A picture of your favorite memory.

St. George Island, Fl

My uncle first found this little piece of paradise because he loved to fish and was always in the Apalachicola area. We used to go down there and rent houses every summer and stay for weeks at a time, and usually it consisted of my entire family in attendance at some point. Then, my uncle decided to buy a house down there, which meant even more trips to St. George!

Several of my absolute favorite memories from those summer trips:
  • Being scared out of our minds when making the trip at night and going through Tate's Hell State Forest and my uncle telling us stories about the 'Goat Man'
  • Being there for 4th of July with literally my entire family
  • Listening to Ini Kamoze's 'Hot Stepper' [on a tape!] over and over again, which I now know we didn't really know a single word to
  • Catching my first stingray
  • Eating at BJ's pizza for dinner and then going to Aunt Ebby's for ice cream after
  • Learning every word to 'Drift Away' by the Neville Brothers for karaoke at the Blue Parrot and Harry A's
I really wish I could relive those carefree days playing at the beach all day and having absolutely no worries at all!

Day 6: A picture of a person you'd love to trade places with for a day.

This one is really hard for me. I don't have any one person I really admire or want to be like so much that I would want their life. But I guess if I think about it, I would like to experience the life of someone who had a pretty good amount of money of course, and who would have opportunities/experiences that I most likely never will. I've been racking my brain to think of someone whose life I would really like to experience and then ... waa-la! It hit me. Erin Andrews, duh. She has my dream job, and I'd love the chance to experience what it would be like to have that job.

Yay for catching up...have a GREAT week! :)


  1. I lived in Apalachicola for a year. Worst year of my life (but I'm not a beach person)! Glad you enjoyed your summers there though. In winter the place is pretty much dead.

  2. love this :) erin andrews is GORGEOUS! xo have a great monday dear!

  3. this is amazing. i lived at st. george growing up. isn't it the best place ever?!

    and bj's pizza...omg.

    thanks for the trip down memory lane.

  4. it always amazes me when people have actually heard of st. george! it definitely holds a special place in my heart! :)
