ABCs of me:
A-Age: 23.
B-Bed size: I have a double bed right now. But it's just enough for me!
C-Chore you hate: Anything to do with cleaning!
D-Dogs: None of my own, but both of my roommates have dogs, so I live with two.


E-Essential start to your day: Usually coffee, and something yummy for breakfast. Breakfast is probably my favorite meal of them all. And a shower...I don't function properly till I've showered.
F-Favorite Color: Hmmm...I don't have just one favorite. Right now I'm loving everything summer. Hot pink, chartreuse, teal, coral -- the brighter the better!

G-Gold or Silver: Usually silver, but gold is growing on me.
H-Height: 5'2.
I-Instruments you play: Nothing...I'm musically challenged. But I wish I did play SOMETHING!
J-Job title: Full-time student, part-time Lowe's cashier!
K-Kids: None!!
L-Live: Athens, Georgia...there's no place else quite like it!

M-My mom's name: Sandy.
N-Nickname: Porkchop (when i was little), Court Dawg (thanks, Sam!), and several more!
O-Overnight hospital stay: Never for me, thank goodness!
P-Pet Peeve: There's plenty I have...people that drive slow in the left lane, people who don't realize they're not the only person on the planet, and lying.
Q-Quote from a movie: Doug: "It's funny, 'cause just the other day, me and my boy, we was wonderin' why they even call 'em roofies. Y'know what I'm talkin' 'bout?"
Stu: "No. Don't know what you're talkin' 'bout."
Doug: Why not floories, right? 'Cause when you take 'em, you're more likely to end up on the floor than the roof. What about groundies? That's a good new name fo' 'em.
Alan: Or how 'bout rapies?
Doug: Why not floories, right? 'Cause when you take 'em, you're more likely to end up on the floor than the roof. What about groundies? That's a good new name fo' 'em.
Alan: Or how 'bout rapies? you can't guess what movie that's from! HAHA
R-Right/Lefty: Righty!
S-Sibling: My little brother Tyler!
T-Time you wake up: Depends on the day...sometimes I have to be at work as early as 5am, so I get up aruond 4:15, or class usually starts at 9:30 so I get up around 7:30.
U-Underwear: Victoria's Secret Pink, always!
V-Veggies you dislike: All of them...yes, I'm serious.
W-What makes you run late: Everything. I procrastinate and get distracted way too easily, so I usually scramble around at the last minute, run out the door, and forget something. :/
X-Xrays you've had: Quite a few...fingers and toes, neck to hip ones by the chiropractor, and my nose when I broke it.
Y-Yummy food you make: I can actually cook pretty decently, even though I hate cooking for just myself. But I love grilling or cooking chicken.
Z-Zoo animal: Penguins.
love this post!! especially the coral jewelry, you and your blog are adorable.