Thursday, February 10, 2011

Goals and dreams.

I'm horrible at updating my blog. I've had it forever and have less than 10 posts. Oops.

So, my new goal...use it regularly during these last few months of college. I have less than 100 days til graduation and oh. my. lord. I couldn't be any more terrified and excited and nervous and a whole bunch of other emotions all rolled into a messy bundle.

Why am I such a mess? Because I have NO CLUE what I'm doing after graduation. I'm a PR major--not exactly a definite, laid-out career path there. I could do a million things with that major. I know what I want to do. And I know that it's going to be super hard and take a lot of work. But who knows if it will ever happen?

They say just take what you can get when you graduate right now. If someone offers you a job, and it pays enough to pay the bills, don't be picky. Do what's available until something better or more in line with your dreams comes along. Don't expect to get that dream job right after college. It doesn't happen and you have to pay your dues.

But then yesterday, I went to a seminar hosted by ESPN about applying for internships and jobs. He said...apply for only the jobs you want. Don't say you'll take anything you can. Don't seem desperate, because you're not.

So, who's right?? I wish I knew.

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